The Challenge
Developing an Easy to Use Digital Tool for Pandemic Preparedness
In their quest to improve global health and the quality of life for people worldwide, Vital Strategies set a goal to help nations avoid epidemics. Their Resolve to Save Lives initiative partnered with the National Action Plan for Health Security — a country-owned, multi-year process that can accelerate the implementation of International Health Regulations (IHR).

The Solution
Benchmarking to achieve strategic goals with an easy-to-use interface
Cloud City built this platform with a thoughtful, well-designed UI. They tackled the challenge of helping users engage with a relatively complex set of information — high-level bureaucratic data — in a way that’s intuitive and easy to understand. They help users develop an informed, actionable plan (available in PDF or Excel format) that can be used as a springboard for real, lasting change in their nations.

Responding to COVID-19 with a Multifunctional Simulator
Next, Cloud City helped Vital Strategies develop a tool specifically for the COVID-19 pandemic: a simulator that would help countries gauge how specific public health policies impact transmission rates.
To create the simulator, the team at Cloud City collaborated with the Prevent Epidemics team to transfer their existing research into an accessible UI. Using the simulator, users can see how existing PHSMs, such as sheltering in place or school closures, can affect disease spread and mortality rates.